2019 Call for Papers

Presentation Dates- July 25 - July 27, 2019
I. Theme, Focus and Tracks
Proposals submitted for presentation at The ABPsi 51st Annual International Convention should be related to the conference theme: "Afrikan Psychology & Afrifuturism: Psychological Liberation & Spiritual Illumination."
The convention will focus on the futuristic planning and development, the future/ongoing development and features of African/Black Psychology, the relationship between cultural rootedness and our physical, spiritual and mental well-being, how ABPsi is fulfilling/will address its mission of the liberation of the African mind, empowerment of the African character, and enlivenment and illumination of the African spirit, and the ABPsi contribution to the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of people of African ancestry. The workshops, papers, and poster sessions should address the focus of the convention as well as issues related to the methods, techniques and practices that will be used to address the health and well being of members of our community in response to, and/or in predicting, changing future conditions.
Presentations will be organized in the following general tracks:
Traditional Healing Practices Community Healing & Restoration Industrial & Organizational Psychology |
Mental Health Research & Services Context of Power & Privilege School & Education |