The New PsychDiscourse

The New PsychDiscourse

By: Shareefah Al’ Uqdah, Ph.D, Psychdiscourse Editor In Chief Before and throughout Covid-19, ABPsi has held a special place for Black psychologists. Since our founding, ABPsi has created ways to galvanize and inform the community of unique issues relevant to Black...
The Harm of Western Psychology (2022)

The Harm of Western Psychology (2022)

By: Joniesha Hickson and Evan Auguste For generations, African-descendant peoples have been forced to reckon with global delusions of our innate inferiority. Whether considered through the lens of a psychopathic racial personality, a suboptimal worldview, or an afro...
Check out JBP 2022 November Issue

Check out JBP 2022 November Issue

Below is a summary of these wonderful articles on the psychological experiences of Black people. Four new articles will be published in the November 2022 issue of the Journal of Black Psychology. Dr. Marcus Watson at SUNY Buffalo State, provides the lead article. This...